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226 lines
Name: hlwin.c
Date: 06-Jun-1988
Author: Kent J. Quirk
(c) Copyright 1988 Ziff Communications Co.
Abstract: Contains window open/close functions.
History: 09-Sep-88 kjq Version 1.00
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <graph.h>
#include "hl.h"
#include "hltimes.h"
#include "winmenu.h"
unsigned int scrn_seg = 0xB800; /* color */
int scrn_width = 160; /* bytes */
/**** o p e n _ w i n d o w ****
Abstract: Opens a window on the screen, saving the data under it.
Parameters: The 1-based coordinates of the corners of the window,
the attribute with which to fill the window.
Returns: A pointer to the window object created.
Comments: Would be nice to have automatic boxes drawing.
WINDOW *open_window(short r1, short c1, short r2, short c2, char attr)
int y, linewid;
unsigned int buf_off, buf_seg;
char far *bp;
char far *blankline;
struct videoconfig config;
if ((config.mode == _TEXTMONO) || (config.mode == _HERCMONO))
scrn_seg = 0xB000;
if ((attr & 0xF0) == 0)
attr = 0x07;
attr = 0x70;
if ((w = malloc(sizeof(WINDOW))) == NULL)
linewid = (c2-c1+1)*2;
w->bufsize = (r2-r1+1) * linewid; /* how big is rectangle? */
if ((w->scrnbuf = malloc(w->bufsize)) == NULL) /* alloc a buf for it */
if ((blankline = (char far *)malloc(linewid)) == NULL)
for (y=0; y<linewid; y+=2)
blankline[y] = ' ';
blankline[y+1] = attr;
w->oldcpos = _gettextposition(); /* where is cursor now? */
w->r1 = r1;
w->c1 = c1;
w->r2 = r2;
w->c2 = c2;
w->attr = attr;
w->x = 'X'; /* bug detector */
w->cpos.row = w->cpos.col = 1;
bp = (char far *)(w->scrnbuf);
for (y=r1-1; y<=r2-1; y++)
movedata(scrn_seg, y*scrn_width+(c1-1)*2,
FP_SEG(bp), FP_OFF(bp), linewid);
movedata(FP_SEG(blankline), FP_OFF(blankline),
scrn_seg, y*scrn_width+(c1-1)*2, linewid);
bp += linewid;
free((char near *)blankline);
/**** c l o s e _ w i n d o w ****
Abstract: Given a window, this deallocates the data structure and
removes it from the screen, restoring the previous screen
Parameters: The window pointer
Returns: Zero.
Comments: A check is made for "validity" of the window pointer. This
prevents spectacular crashes if it's not valid, since if
it isn't, close_window tries to restore random data to the
video screen area.
Unfortunately, we can't print much diagnostic info, because
we just don't have any available.
int close_window(WINDOW *w)
int y, linewid;
char far *bp;
if (w->x != 'X')
printf("Internal error in close_window(%p).\n", w);
printf("Press any key.\n");
linewid = (w->c2 - w->c1 + 1)*2;
bp = (char far *)w->scrnbuf;
for (y=w->r1-1; y <= w->r2-1; y++)
movedata(FP_SEG(bp), FP_OFF(bp),
scrn_seg, y*scrn_width + (w->c1 - 1) * 2, linewid);
bp += linewid;
_settextposition(w->oldcpos.row, w->oldcpos.col);
/**** d e a c t i v a t e _ w i n d o w ****
Abstract: Given a window, this remembers the current attribute and
cursor position and sets those values.
Parameters: The window pointer.
Returns: nothing
Comments: Not useful in an overlaid environment, but tiled windows
work fine with this.
void deactivate_window(WINDOW *w)
w->attr = 0;
w->attr |= 0x0F & _gettextcolor();
w->attr |= 0xF0 & ((int)_getbkcolor() << 4);
w->cpos = _gettextposition();
/**** a c t i v a t e _ w i n d o w ****
Abstract: Restores the cursor and attributes created by the
deactivate_window() function.
Parameters: The window
Returns: Nothing
void activate_window(WINDOW *w)
_settextwindow(w->r1, w->c1, w->r2, w->c2);
_settextcolor(w->attr & 0x0F);
_setbkcolor((long)((w->attr & 0xF0) >> 4));
_settextposition(w->cpos.row, w->cpos.col);
/**** f i l l _ s c r e e n ****
Abstract: Given an open file containing a screen image, this copies
the file data to the screen.
Parameters: The file pointer
Returns: Nothing
void fill_screen(FILE *f)
char *buf;
char far *bp;
struct videoconfig config;
int size;
/* struct SREGS segs; */
size = config.numtextrows * config.numtextcols * 2;
/* segread(&segs); */
if ((buf = malloc(size)) == NULL)
fread(buf, size, 1, f);
bp = (char far *)buf;
movedata(FP_SEG(bp), FP_OFF(bp), scrn_seg, 0, size);
/**** b i o s _ g e t c u r ****
Abstract: Gets the current cursor position from bios.
Parameters: Nothing
Returns: An rccoord struct with the cursor position set.
struct rccoord bios_getcur()
struct rccoord cp;
union REGS regs;
regs.h.ah = 3;
regs.h.bh = 0;
int86(0x10, ®s, ®s);
cp.row = regs.h.dh;
cp.col = regs.h.dl;
/**** b i o s _ s e t c u r ****
Abstract: Sets the cursor position using bios.
Parameters: The row and column cursor positions
Returns: The previous cursor position as found by bios_getcur().
struct rccoord bios_setcur(short r, short c)
struct rccoord cp;
union REGS regs;
cp = bios_getcur();
regs.h.ah = 2;
regs.h.bh = 0;
regs.h.dh = (unsigned char)r;
regs.h.dl = (unsigned char)c;
int86(0x10, ®s, ®s);